Our programming included theatre, dance, music, and storytelling, focusing on general, youth, and aboriginal content. The theatre collaborates with artists and arts organizations across the territory to help create a national stage for the performing arts and acts as a catalyst for performance, innovation, and learning. The organization has always been at the forefront of youth and educational activities, offering artist training and programs. We continue to have a renewed focus on growing local performing arts repertoire and nurturing talent by commissioning, creating, producing, and showcasing original works from the North.

From the established season to the running of major festival events and opening up opportunities for the performing arts in northern communities, NACC has been able to draw new patronage across the NWT and lead the way for the northern performing arts community to see its potential. An appreciation of the arts is developed through continued exposure to quality performing art forms and formats. Dependent upon the financial viability and the resources available, we continued to strive for maximum programming capacity.