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Read more in our newsletter.
Check out our newsletter!
Take a read through our latest newsletter here!
The performance of Old Man Luedecke will be DELAYED. The performance tomorrow (January 25th) will begin at 8:30PM, instead of the originally…
And it was to read our newsletter! https://email.naccnt.ca/t/cr/AQiRhhYQltABGIqszwP30dFfv9mcrTb61BSZoXPfCrKULW20vpODJOR1XtHy7w
Attend our AGM via Zoom on January 15th at 5:00pm! Documents for the AGM will be made available on January…
Read more in our newsletter.
Read more in our newsletter.
Our office will be closed from December 19th to January 6th for the holiday season. We hope that you have…
Attend our AGM via Zoom on January 15th at 5:00pm! Documents for the AGM will be made available on January…
The performance of Old Man Luedecke in Yellowknife on January 25th will be DELAYED. The show will begin at 8:30PM, instead of the originally scheduled 7:30PM.
Should you no longer be able to attend the performance due to this delay, please email us at boxoffice@naccnt.ca to let us know and arrange for reimbursement. Thank you for your understanding, and we hope to see you at the show tomorrow.
By purchasing a season pass, you will receive a ticket to all six of NACC’s Season Shows, at a discounted rate, in your favourite seats.
The shows included in your Season Pass purchase are…
You will also be able to use your pass to get a $10 discount on these three additional shows…
Season passes are $180 for Adults, or $120 for Seniors and Youth.
If you need assistance in redeeming your pass, please contact our Box Office!